Tuesday, July 27, 2010

You must all remember the FADS and amazing TV shows from the 90's. But, mostly the food!
I could probably list a storm of everything, which i will do! Yeah.. i loved the 90's, but some things could've been changed. Like come on! You rememeber the Kool-Aid man telling little kids how good that juice is for you? It's purely sugar. We couldn't resist all these new foods, so we bought them without knowing how unhealthy they were. Welll here's a list of what I can remember from my childhood, and what i adored!

Here it is:
Teddy Grahams
Papaya Pieces
Honey Sticks
YooHoo Chocolate Drinks
Fruit by the Foot
Kid's Cuisine
Purple/Green Ketchup
Potato Bread
Pizza Rolls/Nuggets
Rice Krispies
Fruit Punch
Stuffed Crust Pizza
Trix Yogurt
Zebra Gum (Fruit Stripes)
Altoids Mints
Bottle Pops
Ritz Bitz sandwich crackers
Bagel Bites
Candy Necklaces
Jaw Breakers
Peanut Butter M&M's
Ramen Noodles
Fruit Gushers
Scooby Snacks
Sunbelt Chocolate Chip Bars
Frosted Mini-Wheats
Eggo Waffles & Cereal
Mint Ice Cream
Sugar Cookies
Apple/Grape Juice
Kraft Mac&Cheese
Whole Milk
Mustard Pretzels
Doughnut Holes
Hot Dogs
Fig Neutons
Rice Pilaf

In these processed foods that everyone was grabbing for, they were filled with excess amounts of sugar, fat and hydrogenated whatever. When i was little, I always knew that cookies and cake weren't exactly good for you on the healthiness scale. But, I always thought that Goldfish somehow was a healthy snack. I mean, what was i thinking! I can't blame myself, I was probably 5 years old. But how come no one had told me when i was eating hot dogs, thinking those were healthy for me too, that i could be eating cous cous or even a smartdog? I don't blame my parents, but they always told me to drink my milk (aka. we have osteoporosis and cancer running in our family) and to not eat red meat, only white meat because ohh yeaah, because white meat was better? No. I used to believe that stuff, but now i know the truth. Yeah, i know i let down my parents offers for me to eat veggie burgers once or twice.. but hey, come on i was little. Veggies sounded like poop to me. They didn't sound appetizing at all when i was little! My dad had always reminded me that "Veggies are healthy for you, eat some". Well, would a 5 year old think that healthy food would taste good? Nahh. Thats why we bought most of these foods listed above, sadly. I wish someone had told me about veganism earlier and the good benefits of it. Vegan is really the only way to go to become healthy, and stay healthy! Without meat or dairy, you reach your healthy weight and maintain it. You have healthy, glowing skin. Lucious hair. Energy (without the need of coffee). Good food. And, a long long life!

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