Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blast to the Past

As a child, my parents always took me to Indian restaurants. My dad was an American born abroad in India because my grandparents, great-grandparents, and my other ancestors were missionaries in Oman, India, and Saudi Arabia. So, knowing how picky little kids can be, they always ordered me a safe selection: a mango lassi. I would get my lassi, taste it, and then slurp down the whole thing before my parents knew what had happened. I would beg for another one, and usually they cut me off at one or two, for good reason; typical lassis are loaded with yogurt, and not the fat-free kind. For awhile I had tried making my own lassis at home, with absolutely no success. Since I was not a vegan during these attempts, I tried every recipe out there, but none tasted like my beloved restaurant lassis. Recently, though, I found a vegan mango lassi recipe and immediately bought some mangoes. Last night, they were perfectly ripe, so I cut them up and stuck them in the fridge for the morning. So this morning, each person in my family enjoyed a fresh mango lassi upon waking. They were delicious and I slurped mine down in seconds, to the amusement of my family members. Here's my recipe!

Mango Lassi (adapted from 1000 Vegan Recipes by Robin Robertson)
Makes 4 lassis

  • 2 ripe mangoes, peeled and cut
  • 1.5 c. vanilla soy yogurt
  • 1/2 c. vanilla soy milk
  • 4 ice cubes
  1. Put the mangoes and yogurt in a blender; combine until smooth.
  2. Add soymilk and cubes; puree.
  3. Serve immediately, and garnish with a mint leaf if you like.
  4. Slurp and enjoy! :)
Ahhh, doesn't that just look scrumptious?

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